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Semantic Visuality


Our brief focused on researching two people from a list which was provided to us, and find a series of notable quotes, therefore investigating and then discovering their history, notions, manifesto, beliefs.

After we felt that our research was completed, our next objective was for us to produce a series of typographic images of the quotes chosen, we must pick 10 quotes for each person, resulting in a combination of 20 typographic experiments.
Once our early development was completed, we engaged in a series of weekly workshops for us to develop and understand the concept of establishing ways of typography for preparation for the creative


Other work included experimenting with different materials, colours and textiles and finding ways of presenting your quotes as for freelance briefs, or commercial briefs by producing a full or part of a quote as a backdrop, props, costume or a piece of choreography.


Art direction - Miles Williams

Design - Miles Williams

Animator- Miles Williams






My outcome is an animation which is an interactive piece in collaboration with live performances, the animation we see in the video was created in Cinema 4D. The concepts allow different styles of dancing to engage with the sphere and by rotation on the axis and changing form.

The music composed by Swedish artist ‘Solar Field’ and his song “Faith” gives an ambient beat, mixing dubstep and electronic rhythm, this offers more of an urban atmosphere but yet offers the potential of a range of different choreography movements making accessibility to different diversity.



Overall, my pieces offer and standout more via an abstract approach from other animated dance and in comparison to live performance, due to the rise of motion graphics and visual effects. In the early 21st century we’ve seen the rise of music video, adding visual elements and becoming mainstream but not in live performances. This could be the start of something new in terms of the potential of my concepts and video when developed further.



For more information about my process, please visit my WordPress blog. 

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