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Spatial Characteristics


The original aim was to use conceptual thinking to establish outcomes in which we can continue building knowledge from Project 1.

Our object began with the visit to the Barbican to see the Jean-Michel Basquiat ‘Boom for Real’ and John Akomfrah ‘Purple’ solo exhibitions. From these delights, we used their methodologies and theory to create installations. Using different elements from one day’s work, we were also encouraged to search for both primary and secondary research, while incorporating Richard Serra’s verb list as our foundation for a commercial or abstract conceptual installation. Our outcome had to be suited to a location using visual techniques.


Art direction - Miles Williams

Design - Miles Williams 



My outcome is an installation, purposely not visually seen on the outside of the store, while adding an air of mystery into what Apple is doing. Basically, promoting a new campaign or status and showing how much eco-friendlier they are with new opening of the Apple Park HQ, which I believe is the first step forward into rebuilding the trust between the public and the private technology company, and which is vital to improve consumer confidence, increase retail sales, and foster a better public image.


For more information about my process, please visit my WordPress blog. 

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